Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Soul Waits in Silence (Psalm 62)

My soul waits in silence for Christ alone, my Savior,
My Rock, my Fortress, in Whom I am secure.
The Lord will protect me from those who plot against me,
From their lies and their empty words.
He is my Rock and my Refuge, He will deliver me and restore me.
Let the whole world trust in Jesus and pour their hearts out to Him!
For what weight is there in men? What weight is there in riches?
Wealth and poverty are nothing in the midst of the Christ.
All things come from the Father,
Who rewards each for his works.
The power to build up or tear down riches is God's,
But moreso is the power of unfailing love.
Therefore, let your soul wait in silence for Christ alone, your Savior,
Your Rock, your Fortress, in Whom you are secure.

1 comment:

Kevin Knox said...

Wow, Japhy. Praise the Lord.

Let the church not trust in wealth or riches, but in the Christ.
Let the church wait in silence for Christ alone.
Our Fortress.